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Due to system maintenance, our Public Access (planning) system will be unavailable between 4pm on Friday 5 July and 8am on Monday 8 July. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

COVID-19: Information for residents and businesses

Our website offers a variety of advice relating to coronavirus.


Government advice

The government has removed remaining domestic restrictions in England as part of its Living with COVID-19 plan. There are still steps you can take to reduce the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19:

  • Get vaccinated
  • Let fresh air in if meeting others indoors
  • Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces
  • Practice good hygiene:
    • wash your hands
    • cover your coughs and sneezes
    • clean your surroundings frequently

Find out how to stay safe and help prevent the spread on the GOV.UK website

Guidance for people who are extremely vulnerable (shielded) and their family, friends and carers is available on the GOV.UK website.

Find out more about the Government's COVID-19 Response: Living with COVID-19 plan.

Help for residents

We are committed to supporting all residents who may be affected by COVID-19. We have advisors waiting to take your call on 01354 654321; please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns you may have.

We can support you with a wide range of services and put you in touch with organisations, charities and community groups which can help too.

We are also working with the Citizens Advice Bureau whose dedicated Fenland advisor is able to provide employment, pension and debt advice, and assist workers with income maximisation, accessing funding and benefits claims.  Call 01354 654321 or email

COVID-19 testing

Access to free COVID-19 testing has ended for most members of the public in England.

From 1 April 2022, free lateral flow testing is only available for some specified groups or settings. A full list of those eligible for free lateral flow tests, and how to access them, can be found on the GOV.UK website.

COVID-19 vaccination

Find out where you can get your COVID-19 vaccination.

Help for businesses

We have a dedicated section on our website aimed at helping businesses navigate the information and support available to them.

Contacting us

You can call us on 01354 654321 or contact us online.

You can also make an appointment to visit one of our Customer Service Centres and Community Hubs. View more information.

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